
1:1 Healing Session

This is a one-time healing session designed to help you quickly and effectively break through your mental and emotional blocks. Click HERE to purchase your session and click here to schedule your time.

6-Week Mentorship

Create a vision for your life your and take inspired action towards making it a reality. This program is designed to help you plant the seeds of your highest purpose and create a new way of being to bring it to fruition. Your program unfolds over the course of 6 weekly sessions with guided, step-by-step instruction and optional between session support. To apply for this Mentorship click HERE. (Note: There are currently 2 spots available for this program.)

3-Month Mentorship

Step into a new way of being mind, body, heart, and soul. This mentorship is designed to help you bring your life vision into reality by clearing blocks and embodying your purpose. Your program unfolds in weekly sessions over the course of one season to symbolically represent the planting, nurturing, and harvesting of your new life. To apply for this mentorship, click HERE. (*Note, there is currently one available spot open for this program.)

Retreat Day

Retreat days are designed to give you a full immersion healing experience. This allows you time and space in one sitting to get to the core of the patterns you want to shift and to anchor in a new way of being. Retreat days are a great option for those who want to condense their sessions into one day rather than having sessions over the course of a program. To apply for a Retreat Day click HERE.

Total System Reboot Program

The Total System Reboot is a 21-Day program designed to bring you into greater balance mind, body, heart, and spirit. Each module contains an audio teaching and healing tools to help you actualize your full potential. All of the information is archived in our closed online community so that you can go at your own pace and revisit the teachings as often as you like. Click HERE to gain access.

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